Monday, December 28, 2009

3 Thoughts

1.) Had an awesome Christmas trip up to South Carolina. I love my family and especially my cute.

2.) Acts 6:8
 "...Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power..."
What a statement. This is my prayer for my own life.

3.)"All glory, honor, power is yours, Amen"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Just some stuff that's going on lately...

I completed the training. I have to say, it was helpful and simple and challenging. If you don't know what it's about, take 5 minutes to visit:

Great time this morning with some guys I do life with.  I like seeing how God and His Spirit work in people differently and individually.  It's an encouragement to my own faith to hear about the work of God in other people's lives.

Been thinking about this verse lately.
John 1:16  "From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another."
Everything we have that is good (food, drink, shelter, friends, family, a car, hobbies etc..) we're able to enjoy because of the grace of Jesus.  All good things are meant as a taste of the goodness of God and are meant to drive us back to God as the only One that satisfies. 

Thinking of and praying for friends who are lost today.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The message and the messenger...

Acts 2:38-39

38And Peter said to them, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself." 

I love this passage in ActsThe Promise to Israel and to the world has sent His Spirit down upon a group of people and called them to light the way of hope in a world of darkness.  And immediately that's what Peter starts doing.  Speaking the words of God as He called people to Himself. 

What grabs me is that thousands of years later God is still offering the promise to those whom He chooses and He still offers it through those who are filled with His Spirit.

He is the message and the messenger and we, the humble vessel.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Social Distortion

'nuff said

Friday, November 20, 2009


A lyric from my favorite song of theirs

"Sovereign stillness whispers trust in me...Keep waiting, I'll be right on time"

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Recent{ish} Work

What satisfies you?

John 4:13-14 "Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

What "water" am I drinking over and over again?  What temporary pleasures am I pursuing in hopes of being satisfied?

The problem isn't necessarily doing stuff. What I mean is, it isn't wrong to go fishing or skateboarding or go hang out with friends or whatever it is that you enjoy doing.  No, it's not wrong to do those things. It's wrong to look to them for my satisfaction.  It's wrong to look at these gifts and not pursue the God who gives us taste buds and sports and sunshine and delicious, delicious sweet tea.

Romans 8:32 "Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?"

I have blessing after blessing from God. But I have been guilty of pursuing those blessings and trying to find my satisfaction in them.  I think I'm probably still guilty of that. 

God what I want is You. Make my desires for You and You only. On my own I wander off in pursuit of all kinds of silly stuff, when all that satisfies is You. I'm sorry. Forgive me for replacing You.  For forgetting that all these gifts only serve as a taste of how good You are. Thank You most of all for Your Son. I pray that within me would well up such a satisfaction in You that my heart would cease to search anywhere else.  Lay hold of me and don't let go, Father. Open my eyes to see Your glory and Your worth.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Looking forward to this weekend.
1.) Some old friends in town.
2.) A new baby was born.
3.) Perfect weather for skateboarding/fishing
4.) Going over to Mark's to watch football
5.) Saturday night church fever
6.) Darkest Hour and Old Crow Medicine Show spinnin' on the stereo

Thursday, November 12, 2009


John 1 

Nathaniel comes walking up to Jesus after Philip has recruited him and Jesus says "Now here's an Israelite in whom their is no deceit." (my paraphrase of course)

That's a pretty big compliment coming from Jesus.  A man who had nothing to hide. Blameless. Authentic. Nothing hidden in the closet.

That's the sort of man I want to be.  Walking in truth.  Walking in the light.

Psalm 86:11 
 Teach me your way, O LORD,
 that I may walk in your truth;
unite my heart to fear your name.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Prosperity Gospel

What a richness I have in Christ!!! What a wealth of His Spirit to deal with this life of light and momentary troubles.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Titus 2

A quick summation. I'm called to make the gospel and God look attractive. Why? Because it freakin' is!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New Motion Reel

Some Motion Graphics I've put together over the last year or so.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm in my own way

I think I got in my own way.  That's the conclusion I'm coming to.  Sort of like running a race and just off the starting line getting my shoelaces tangled up.  I've ended up on my face again...but let me back up a bit.

There's a concept out in circles of Christianity that basically says "God is most glorified, when we our most satisfied in Him." Or to put it another way, "The chief end (or purpose) of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever."   I pretty much buy into that.  If that doesn't resonate with you, that's fine and you'll probably just want to stop reading here because the rest of my thoughts jump off of that idea.

Here's why I agree with the basic of principles of what's being called "Christian Hedonism."

1.) I agree that God is chiefly(mostly, primarily) concerned with His own glory. (Isa. 48:9, Isa. 26:8,)
2.) I believe that creation (which includes man) exists (primarily) to display that glory. (Ps. 19:1, Luke 19:37-40)
3.) I believe that man was created to desire God and intimacy with Him above all else. (Ps. 42:2)

So to put it plainly, God wants to be glorified and He created us to desire Him, which glorifies Him.
Sorta like that old song "I want you to want me". God wants us to want Him, and here's the kicker...since it's the way we were meant to live, we can only satisfied by God.  But oh what satisfaction! Jesus told the woman at the well, "whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."  HE is our satisfaction. 

So what's my problem then? Well here's what I realized I've been doing lately.  I've been desiring satisfaction and joy FROM God.  I've been spending time in His word and in prayer seeking the satisfaction that comes from intimacy with God.

Did you catch what's wrong with that picture?  I've stopped seeking God for His own sake. I've stopped desiring Him because He's desirable and started using Him as a means to an satisfaction.   See there's a dangerous line here.  My satisfaction and my joy are by-products of a life lived in pursuing God for His own sake.  They are not the goal.  But I've been acting as if they are the goal and using God as the means. Rather, GOD is the goal.  In the words of the missionary David Brainerd "Oh, for more of God in my soul!".  I desire to glorify and magnify God above all!  That should by my aim.

 God, give me a craving and longing for You.  You, who sits enthroned in glory, surrounded in light!  Woe is me, for I am a man of unclean lips.

I'll leave you with this passage from the diary of David Brainerd; it's what I pray will happen in my own life.

"As I was walking in a dark thick grave, "unspeakable glory" seemed to open to the view and apprehension of my soul ... It was a new inward apprehension or view that I had of God; such as I never had before, nor anything that I had the least remembrance of it. So that I stood still and wondered and admired ... I had now no particular apprehension of any one person of the Trinity, either the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit, but it appeared to be divine glory and splendor that I then beheld. And my soul "rejoiced with joy unspeakable" to see such a God, such a glorious divine being, and I was inwardly pleased and satisfied that he should be God over all forever and ever. My soul was so captivated and delighted with the excellency, the loveliness and the greatness and other perfections of God that I was even swallowed up in him, at least to that degree that I had no thought, as I remember at first, about my own salvation or scarce that there was such a creature as I.
Thus the Lord, I trust, brought me to a hearty desire to exalt him, to set him on the throne and to "seek first his Kingdom," i.e. principally and ultimately to aim at his honor and glory as the King and sovereign of the universe, which is the foundation of the religion of Jesus ... I felt myself in a new world (pp. 138-140)."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This is ONE..some recent work

Flip it and reverse it...

This morning I found myself thinking about different aspects of serving God. That's normal right? Wake up, drink coffee, watch a little ESPN Sports-Center and of course spend time dwelling on why God relies on humans, and specifically this human, to advance His kingdom. All in a morning's work. Well, all in this morning's work anyway.

But here're are some of my thoughts and you can feel free to disagree.

I think we as Christians have at times perhaps gotten to high of an opinion of ourselves. Somehow we've come to the conclusion that God NEEDS us to tell people about His greatness and His glory and the salvation He offers in Christ.

But He doesn't.

I mean surely God could write in the sky, " I am God. I exist. I love you. Repent and be saved" or He could magically drop a Bible onto each and every person's lap and the pages would flutter open to John 3:16 before slowly moving on down the Roman road. Or couldn't He appear to people in a vision or any other numerous ways? Of course He could.

But He doesn't.

Instead, the scriptures make clear that God wants to include US in His restorative, redemptive work in people. In Matthew 28:18 Jesus commands us "go and make disciples of all nations". But why does God want to include us? Why me? What is it about using people to serve Him, that glorifies God? And that's always the question by the way; God is seeking HIS glory. So what is it about using us that glorifies God?

Because we're weak. See, I flipped the script on ya. Our picture of God needing us to advance His kingdom is in fact about 180 degrees from reality. You see, in our weakness, HE is made strong. God looks good because He's using inferior means and still accomplishing His purposes. It's like if Alex Rodriguez used a twig and still won a batting title. Even though He's a Yankee we'd have to be in awe of that.

So God is most glorified this way because He is using the weakest of vessels to fulfill His purposes. But I'd like to throw this out there doesn't just benefit God, it benefits us.


First take a look at what our motivation for serving God is. In 1 Peter 2 is a glorious account of how God swept in and chose you and I specifically and rescued us from a dark, merciless existence and restored us to Himself and showered light and mercy and grace on us. Stop here for second. Re-read that. Or go look at 1 Peter 2. It's worth it. Then take a second and rejoice.

Luke 10:20b "...rejoice that your names are written in heaven."

For years I got this service concept backward. I thought that for God to approve of me I needed to be out and about doing stuff for Him or at the very least, behaving myself. As if somehow I would earn the grace He pours out on me. I had it wrong. I don't have to earn anything and in fact I couldn't possibly earn it anyway!! (Let me pause while I feel that burden fall off my shoulders)
Yeah, that feels nice!

God has already restored us perfectly to Himself. THAT is our motivation. We love God because He first loved us. You see, as we come to know and love and enjoy and experience God, He fills us with His Spirit and calls us to live our entire lives for Him.
That's what it means to serve God. (I know you were wondering if I was ever gonna get back on topic) Serving God doesn't necessarily mean going on one mission trip or serving at a soup kitchen (all good things) means giving our whole existence over to Him. Moment by moment. Day by day.

So how does this type of service benefit us? Simply put, it's the way were meant to live. A life wrapped around His feet. A life of surrender and obedience as He pursues us and fills us with Himself. And satisfies us. And glorifies Himself.

And yes this will manifest itself in the tangibles of mission trips and soup kitchens and building relationships and witnessing and countless other ways. And all of it because He rescued us. And chooses to include us.

God forgive me for thinking my life was about me. For thinking that I could earn Your grace. Give me Your truth.
Fill me with Your Spirit and give me Your desires that my life would not be about me at all, but lived with a single solitary passion to see Your name glorified and You made supreme in every aspect of my life. Thank you for saving me! For loving me! For entering into a relationship with me! Use me in whatever way You see fit. Open my eyes to opportunities all around me.
In Jesus' name, Amen